Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sigh of Relief

I don't think I've told most of you how much I despise text messaging in the dating scenario. That doesn't mean I don't do it, I'm incredibly guilty. I have seriously considered outlawing it in my next relationship. I think it's lazy; is a chicken out from real conversation; it leads to misinterpretation and hurt feelings. Text messaging is good for the following, "I'm running a little late be there in ten;" "The restaurant is on the left side not the right;" and sexting; just kidding, sexting is bad.

The point of this rant was that today I got a text from Mr. Clean, "Hey there. Sorry I never got back to you (I don't think I ever got to him in the first place) blahexcuseblah. I had fun though. Not sure if the chem was there though. Hope all is well." Now I actually think it was very polite that he did that. I wasn't expecting to hear anything and was fine with that since I also didn't feel the "chem." I responded that I agreed and thanks.

Am I just proving how old I am that I'm annoyed that happened via text? I feel as personal contact goes the hierarchy is such: in person, phone call, written note, email (including dating site email), instant messaging, website message (facebook, myspace), text message, through friends, via twitter, post-it note and sky writing. The order of this list is based upon: intent to have an actual discussion; ability for quick rebuttal; opportunity for full explanation; character limit; potential for embarrassment and degree of annoying. Dispute me but you know I'm right.

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