Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lamebook or Lovelife?

So it seems that Kevin's brunch comments carried more weight than Sara's, in reference to the potential of Mr. Clean being a level 5 clinger. Kevin said something like, oh no, run away don't answer and even a coffee date will make this guy reach level 7. Sara said I should do it for her entertainment and the amusement of the blog readers (you know all 3 of you). Mr. Clean just called, I couldn't answer I was busy reading lamebook and the phone was really far away (as much as 2 to 3 inches). Now I will live blog the message he left me.

Hello, blah blah, a movie I should rent because it's bad and is in redbox. (Nicolas Cage is in it, of course it's bad.) What do you think did he just happen to be at a redbox or did he do research? This is critical for the clinger rating. I told him via text that neighbor always rents from redbox so it has to be a recently released bad movie for our bad movie night. Calling from the car. Will call back because he won't have his phone at "the game" (good no effort on my part). End Scene.

At least his voice was pleasant, voices are important to me. I guess I'll answer when he calls back. I almost typed if instead of when but let's be honest, he's calling back. I don't know why I have an aversion here so we'll see if Kevin or Sara wins out in the end.

From now on I'm not skipping ahead. I'll send an obligatory email and use chemistry's first date setter upper so no more potential clingers, creepers or serial killers end up with my phone number.

Knitting hurts lady bones. Ouch.

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