Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Matches: Chemistry

So Unlike Plenty of Fish, Chemistry gives you actual matches not just every single person in your area. I don't know how well I filled out the survey but the first person I was matched with because we both value spirituality (I do?) and he's a conservative. Hum...

I will say that most of these sites less Eharmony do not let you choose the political beliefs of your matches and for someone like me, that's pretty important.

Just finished looking through the 1st set of 10 matches. Only rejected, I think 3, guys (one on looks, even though that wasn't a reason you could and one or two on the information on their profiles). The rest I left to decide later since no one really jumped out at me. Oh you can only keep 5 in limbo, tricky forcing me to make decisions.

Well that will do it for the first run on Chemistry. Wait and see what happens for the moment because now I'm pooped.

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