Friday, January 29, 2010

73 Days to Go.

Two iffy dates down. Where now?

I have talked with Mr. Captain about meeting up Monday but he hasn't replied to my agreement to his suggestion of a Monday meeting. So that's possible but still not for sure.

I have another Happy Hour plan for next Friday the 5th with Kim and Alissa.

Then there is speed dating on Feb. 9th.

There aren't any new promising prospects on the internets. I've sent interest to a number of guys on Chemistry and either have had some response but more often none. That's kind of hard to take as I thought I would be a catch to the internet crowd. Then there is Plenty of Fish, mostly lots of throw 'em backs there.

I'm beginning to believe that perhaps I'm just too awesome.


  1. I've waited this long to tell you what I really think about meeting someone on the Internets, but here goes. (I know you've been holding your breath.)

    I think most women approach internet dating like, "Hey, he's out there, but I might not ever meet him by chance. Why not take a chance on a few guys and see what they're like? Cause what do I have to lose? He's going to buy me dinner, and there's no expectations." I think this is a rational way to think about a very complex problem.

    But, I think most men approach it in a different way. "How can I get laid TONIGHT?" is the main thought I think most men have on dating Web sites. To a man, this is rational behavior. It's a means to an end, the end being sex, and lots of it.

    I definitely think there are exceptions, but 90 percent of the members of each respective gender behave that way. That's why it's tough, because if both genders were honest about what they were looking for, you wouldn't run into having to do a secondary, or tertiary screen of potential boyfriend applicants.

    You may find the right guy out there on the Internet. You may not. But it is entertaining. And you are a catch to ANY crowd, so you're a hella good catch to the Internet crowd.

  2. Ladies and Gentlemen, unsolicited advice.

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  4. Which is why he should keep his sorry ass and comments away from dating sites. Since when did a party of One become Most? Is he a Republican?? AJ

  5. Wow. So glad that the long comment by Kevin allowed me to verify the fact that men are nothing but horny apes that ONLY join dating sites to have sex.

    I recall a situation when men paired sex and the computer together- it's called porn. It's a lot cheaper then taking a potential "lay" out on a date, a lot less time consuming updating your profile, responding to potential dates, and a lot less work on his part trying to get laid. He just needs to invest in some lotion and hand sanitizer and he is good to go!

    I believe that there are many wonderful people out there truely looking for love and friendship and utilize dating websites to help expand their search. Of course there are the sleeze-balls that are on there too wanting to get laid, but it isn't just men looking for sex in this situation- women can be dirt bags too. A lot of times jobs, travel, etc. interfere with a social life and a great option to utilize are dating websites. I find them to be a safe alternative to meeting a character at the bar.

    I could go on and on and on. I am SO relieved however, to find out from Kevin that men actually never want to have a genuine, loving, fun and committed relationship. They just want sex. -AN
