Friday, January 15, 2010

No Clever Title

I want to get rid of the following: The guys who have "noticed me," the guys who never replied and the one guy I accidentally decided to learn more about. I'm sure they are all very nice but the volume is starting to overwhelm me and I wake up in the middle of the night feeling stressed out. Unfortunately there is no way to get rid of them. Chemistry has one serious flaw, two if you count the lack of "I don't like yo' face."

Learned about myself today: I guess, I'm in to hair, dark wavy to curly hair and I also like when fella's smiles show teeth, seems more genuine. (I found a guy today who I think is really cute, bike shorts and all.)

Finally, the dude who I asked to coffee said "I like the way you think" then he gave me his number and said to call him or text him and he'd call me. Guess, I'll be calling because I refuse to have another relationship (even if it's a one coffee date relationship) based upon text messaging. He's the one I previously mentioned as having a non-ironic Mohawk but he also has dimples, dimples are cute.

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