Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just keep Swimming

When I quickly read my e-mail from Mr. Princess the other day I didn't notice the part where he asked to grab a drink sometime next week. Yes, a drink not a marathon date. Nice. Replied and agreed. This one is having some good potential and making me have a slight nerd smile.

I still haven't figured out how to get rid of those who "noticed me" whom I don't want to notice back, they are clogging up my matches and making me feel more popular than I am. It must be like facebook poking, pointless and kind of annoying after a few pokes.

Chemistry is telling me I have a "Hidden Chemistry" with one fellow... let's see how deeply buried it is. Oh he's actually kind of cute. Thanks Chemistry. Conservative... is it time to be open-minded about that? Scary, what if he tries to commandeer my uterus for my own good but then doesn't give me money for medical costs? Guess it's a risk I'll take.

Going down the list....

You say you are good looking but you don't include a picture. So either you are so good looking you are tired of being judged on your good looks or you are not good looking and also a liar. Hum...I'll ask him for a photo and decide later.

Guy seems cute but looks really different in all the pictures. Another Conservative, sigh. Where are my nutty but adorable liberals? Probably off corrupting the mainstream media somewhere... I can only handle one conservative at a time, sorry.

Weird this guy has a very similar opening line as the last guy. Something is rotten in Denmark.

A yes to a guy who may or may not be cute. (I'm feeling very vain right now)

A no to a guy with a little head.

Oh and I'll say yes to you because your headline is a DMB lyric.

Finished with that part. I have decided to get to know 3 more men. I should keep a running total.
Now to send off the quick step ones and then put off the short answer questions because now I'm worn out again. Good thing all of these potentials don't turn into real dates, I'd be exhausted.

I'm kind of curious if Chemistry doesn't tell you if you are rejected. I have some dudes who I started the process with but then they stopped replying. Did they reject me and Chemistry didn't even tell me? It's okay Chemistry I can take it.

Done. Feeling Accomplished.

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