Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I feel like the reasons for rejecting people on Chemistry are just silly and completely useless. Here they are: no photo, not a good fit, different interests, not enough information on profile, educational differences, religious differences, marital status, doesn't want kids, pursuing another relationship, taking a break from dating, did not respond, age difference too great, communicating outside of Chemistry, physical difference is too great, prefer and non-drinker, prefer a non-smoker, different relationship essentials, no chemistry based upon short answers.

I highlighted all the ones in red that the magic preference formula is supposed to weed out before it sends you matches.

The ones I have used because they are the only ones that kind of work I highlighted in purple.

I will purpose a new list of rejection criteria starting with the old favorite of I don't like yo' face renamed as, not physically attracted to you.

Here's my new list:
Not physically attracted to you
Different interests (this one is good enough to stay)
You seem kind of douchey
Something about your profile creeps me out
There is no way you are under 32
Laziness on your profile makes me think you are probably lazy in person
No photo (also a good enough reason to keep)
Did not respond (got to get rid of those somehow)
Once I learned more about you my suspicions about you were confirmed

I am getting too judgmental when reviewing profiles. As Chea pointed out it's like house hunting or apartment hunting. After a lot of searching they all start to run together and none of them have what you want at a price you can afford to pay. So I'm trying to think of ways to freshen it up. My ideas so far consist of not really looking at the pictures and going off of profiles completely and responding to everyone who shows interest. I think neither of these are very good ideas. Must do more brainstorming.

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