Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pork Rinds and Onion Dip?

So I believe I've mentioned Chemistry's short answer questions and how they give you about twelve to pick from or you can write a few of your own. There is one that I don't really understand and now it kind of irks me when I get asked it. The question is "One thing I eat but I know I shouldn't is..." WTF man? What do you learn about a person from that? That they diet? That they have guilt associated with food? Why isn't the question "my perfect meal would be...?" That seems a lot more informative and with less negative baggage attached.

Just in case you were wondering I always reply in some version of the following. I eat what I want, food is good; I don't play that game, life is too short to feel guilty about such a wonderful thing as delicious food. Now I'm hungry. Can someone deliver a bagel to me?

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