Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Logistics of Speed Dating

Normally before I write a post I formulate the general idea and tone of my post. Since, however, my 3 fans are already bombarding me for information I will tell you about my adventure into speed dating in free-form.

For starters it was located in the Highlands which automatically meant two things: I got lost and I got grumpy. At least due to my getting lost I happened to pull up right as someone left a perfect parking spot so there was that. The walk to the venue was still treacherous as I decided to go full out and wear my tallest heels. Patent leather is my game face.

I got there about ten minutes late which was alright since it was still mingle time. Mostly I was just concerned with getting my $35 worth of sushi and appetizers (spoiler: not accomplished).

The advantage of going to this type of event alone versus a party or bar is that everyone there knows why they are there and acts accordingly. This means I didn't even have to try very much to mingle because anyone I even just stood next to struck up a conversation with me.

The event included two age groups for the speed dating. In the mingle portion though, the oldies and youngsters comingled. Then you just have no idea how old people are. My ability to distinguish age is better than my ability to distinguish height but apparently not by much. I had one encounter with a lady from the older age group who likely was not on her first cocktail and acted somewhat resentful towards me for being younger (see: hotter). How's that bitter working for you sweetheart? Thought so.

Anyway, after the forced mingling the speed dating begun. Round one included four literal 8-minute dates.There really is a dating card to copy the person's name and check a box if you want to see them again for dating, friendship or business. Then you chat. They give suggested questions which were pretty typical and heavily used. There really is a bell that they ring and you switch to your next assigned spot.

After the first four dates (don't worry I'll tell you about the actual dates in the next post) there was another 20 minute mingle time. I, of course, went back to stuffing my face with appetizers (I didn't eat dinner and haven't had sushi in a long time). I doubt anyone is surprised that I choose food over flirting. The night ended with 4 more 8 minute dates and of course the opportunity to mingle some more. I went to the bathroom. I'm so good a dating!

So that's how it works.

P.S. I forgot to mention that I decided to wear my glasses. I figured the smarts of the glasses counterbalanced the slutty of the tall shoes. That and I've been told a few times recently that I look good in them. Experiments, fun and stuff.

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