Friday, March 5, 2010

Meh to you too, sir.

I can't help but think your heart just isn't in buddy, Mr. Captain.

I give guys a lot of chances. More chances then they could possibly deserve. Shaw said I should not have even gone on the date with Mr. Captain after he was half an hour late calling me. Mr. Captain said he was stuck at work late and Shaw made a good point that given Mr. Captain's profession of something with computers, he could have definitely sent a simple "stuck at work late, call soon" type of text.

Today, Mr. Captain sent a text asking me to do something tomorrow night, Saturday. Yes, it is quite possible that I'm lame and don't have plans for Saturday night by Friday morning, however in this instance I actually do. It's not very polite to assume that I do not. If you really wanted to hang out with me you probably would have checked at least slightly earlier in the week. If this were the 1800's you'd have to send a letter of request to court me months in advance. Poor romance, so dead.

I don't subscribe to many dating rules. If I were free I probably would have said yes, especially because it would have been terribly funny to have a date at a place where I knew Zachy was going to be at. Roller Derby is just all the rage now.

My rules are simple:
1. Leave a message if you expect me to respond
2. Ask me in advance, I'm a busy and terribly cool person.
3. I try not to put people in my cell phone by name until the 2nd date. (It got a little complicated with this multi-dating so I had to temporarily suspend this rule.)

So little effort for the first dates? Forecast says lazy deadbeat relationship. I already have had that relationship and it was a pretty big bust. Pass.

1 comment:

  1. Now keep in mind you are having better luck than I am. Had that one Valentine's date with the guy who had 2 brain surgeries, was blind in one eye, had bilateral hearing aides, was recovering from back surgery, was on hypertension medicine (which also means he'd need Viagra if it ever got to that point), had broken his ankle in the past, didn't have a job and had a vaporizer to use with his medical marijuana for chronic pain. All this I got on the first date. So don't wait to find Mr Right cause if you don't you'll be 50 and finding Mr. Falling to Pieces. At least I had a good laugh that he was responding to my request for someone who was physically healthy-what's the alternative-DEAD???? Love AJ
