Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Hour Number One

I met Alissa at her place of employment at precisely 5 PM. We had previously made plans to go to North because according to one of her coworkers this is where all the rich single guys go. When I got there a few of her coworkers were trying to convince her to go to another place with them, $1 PBR's they said, we caved. I'm glad we caved.

We ended up at Q's Wordly Barbeque. I know this is the wrong blog but they had some super amazing BBQ. It was so amazing I ate sliders that were drenched in a mustard based sauce, Mustard! I don't normally like mustard. Anyway back to the manhunt. The place was completely dead when we got there. The coworkers were technically all off limits. One was a girl, one was married and the other had a arrive later in a very The Hills kind of way.

It was still a lot of fun as the night went on the place filled up and a band started playing. Alissa tried to convince me to lay it on thick with the guy who had a girlfriend, Mr. Hero, (apparently the girlfriend part may be on its way out). This seemed like a nice idea, sure, Mr. Hero was looking good, smart and knew Sean, Marla's Sean, small world, except for the fact that I am lousy at laying it on thick. After a bit more liquid courage, I may have accomplished a very thin primer coat. I was satisfied with it. Best to leave the cake icing thick coats for the single folk.

I was also satisfied that I danced with three different fellows. One, a friend of Mr. Hero, joined Alissa and I and in true Alissa style she snuck away, so he and I danced and he gave me a very sweet kiss on the cheek. Then I went back to our group, which had increased in size due to Mr. Hero's popularity. I was enough beers deep by now to make a announcement that went something like this "Who wants to dance with me?!" Channeling Snookie no doubt. Thankfully, another friend of Mr. Hero took me up on my offer and we had a nice dance. Then everyone besides me went outside to smoke. I started chatting with an old guy who was enjoying a BBQ sandwich next to me. He asked me to dance and you know what I like to dance so I said yes and it was silly and fun.

Eventually Alissa and I decided to head home (I think it was around ten or eleven, a five or six hour happy hour, not bad). When I got home I was very ready to eat my ramen and watch some Conan. My neighbor, who from now on wants to be known as CoolGuy77, convinced me not to be an old lady and meet him at the Horseshoe. So drunk happened. I met his, considering his age, quite attractive friend and we drank and ended up eating ramen after all and playing Wii Bowling.

I stayed out until 2. My body hurts so I must have drank a lot. I met a lot of new people. I had fun. Success.

After getting bored/discouraged having to meet people through the computer it was nice to meet new people in person. Huh, go figure...

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